This is my entry to the OLC CodeJam 2023, and my first Jam entry as well. The theme was memory, so I went for a game where you are told in which order to slap enemies with a stick and have to remember said order while slapping. Remembering how to breathe is arguably optional, but nonetheless helpful.

web version is sometimes just broken, if that happens, try downloading it.

NOTE: Web version and excecutable are kind of buggy, for the true experience download and run the .py file.


WASD- move around

SPACE- swing your stick left/right (it only hits one enemy per swing)

ESC- exit the game (more useful in the downloadable version)

E- reveal the location of remaining enemies. (Thank you to sigonasr2 for pointing this out after I had forgotten to mention it in the jam! I pray for those who tried this game not knowing about this)

Leave a comment with some feedback if possible, this is the first game  I've ever released and tips/feedback would be immensely useful. Maybe if it has enough potential I'll try to turn it into a larger* game!

*larger as in , 1-2 kb of expected growth, not red dead redemption 3


Colour 36 MB

Install instructions

NOTE ON INSTALL: the excecutable is only for windows, but there's also a file you should be able to run if you're on linux

You should get a folder called 'Colour Culler'. Unzip it and enter it. There should be two shortcuts, one that ends with excecutable (I am aware of the typo but I've already zipped the foldor so whatever), and one that ends with python. For people on windows, the former should work ok. 

But for both platforms I would highly reccomend using the .py version anayways as the other versions have various bugs in them. 

If you use python already, you should just be able to run the .py file. If it doesn't work, install pygame and pygbag. 

For everybody else, Install python at, run the setup and make sure you tick the boxes labeled 'add to environment variables'  and 'install pip'. Once that's installed, in your terminal run 'pip install pygame' and 'pip install pygbag'. From there you should be able to right click the file and select 'open with python'

If that doesn't work, open your terminal in the directory of the file (make sure you see it in your file explorer) then type 'cmd' where you see the path to yourr current directory (should be something like 'D:\users\user\downloads\Colour Culler\main') and hit enter. then type 'python' and press enter. 

If all that doesn't work for you, idk bro just play the mobile version or something. Or leave a comment, I'll try my best to help : )

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